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Living and working in Chicago, Robert Jarvie was heavily influenced by Prairie School architecture with its floriform terra cotta ornamentation and contrasting modern lines. Jarvie was also influenced by Arts and Crafts furniture and the west coast handcraft tradition in metalworking. From this amalgamation of influences, Jarvie created a distinctive group of objects that represent American Arts and Crafts in a uniquely Midwestern style.

This book presents the exquisitely wrought brass, copper, and bronze articles of Robert Jarvie. The candlestick is a functional article; Jarvie formed it into a work of decorative art that to this day is widely appreciated and admired for both its usefulness and aesthetic value. The centerpiece of the book is a rare 1906 Jarvie Shop catalog. Thomas K. Maher is the author who did the primary research for the book.

136 Pages

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Weight 1 lbs